Friday, April 24, 2020

4.24.2020 Principal Notes

Dear McKelvie Families~

Just as a reminder, we will be doing Remote Learning Monday through Wednesday of next week. There will be no school on Thursday, April 30th or Friday, May 1st.

I recognize that Remote Learning can be really challenging but we are here to help! I want to encourage parents to reach out to their child's teacher(s) and/or guidance counselors, if it becomes unmanageable academically or for personal reasons. Please be sure to connect so we can come up with a plan that works for your family!

Grade 6 Parents-RAL Course Registration for Incoming 7th Graders:
Please stay tuned for information from Lurgio regarding course registration for current 6th graders moving up to 7th grade. Information about courses and how to register will be shared digitally during the week of May 4th.

IA Rotation M6 End Date:
IA rotation (M6) will conclude on 4/29 and the new IA rotations (M7) will begin 5/4. New IA teachers will be sending students a Google Classroom invite to join their new IA classrooms.

Chromebook Update:
Over the weekend, the technology department will be pushing out some much needed updates to the district Chromebooks. You will likely not notice any changes or issues. In order for the Chromebook to take advantage of the updates the students may need to login and logout out of their Chromebook at some point over the weekend. Thanks for your understanding.

Remote Learning Workload Survey:
If you have not already done so, please fill out the Remote Learning Workload survey so we can continue to refine our instructional practices. Click HERE for the survey.

Library News:
Congratulations to our third raffle winner drawn during National School Library Month! Bella, in Mrs. Bernier's homeroom, was selected out of the entries submitted. The Great Stone Face title that Bella selected, via the Google Form entry, will be mailed to her home from one of our local indie bookstores, Bookery Manchester. Happy reading!

Please click HERE for the fourth Google Form raffle for a Great Stone Face nominee. These weekly raffles are being held in honor of National School Library Month. Please only submit one entry per week, McKelvie. The fourth winner will be announced on May 1st via the library blog!

If you have not heard already, we have a new digital resource to explore! Sora, an OverDrive product, is a digital platform which allows K-12 schools to access audio and eBooks. Our school has recently enrolled in the New Hampshire Schools Shared Digital Collection via the Sora platform. Sora is an OverDrive product that will allow our readers to log in with their school account and access over 1,000 juvenile fiction and non-fiction titles. Click HERE to see a Google Slides presentation with an embedded Screencastify video tutorial with how to log in for the first time.

Have you taken an opportunity and recorded a Flipgrid for the library? If not, I would love to hear from you! Please let me know what you are reading or if there is a book that you have read and enjoyed that we do not have in our library, record a recommendation! I would love to hear from you, McKelvie! HERE are the Flipgrid links!

Please continue to keep library books and your school-issued textbooks in a safe location. Information will be forthcoming about returning your library books and textbooks soon. Remember, if you are unsure of what books you have checked out, please log into your Destiny account to check! HERE is a video on how to do this.

Click HERE to see a pen pal opportunity with a farm animal at Joppa Hill!

Have a great weekend, McKelvie! ~Mrs. Cote

PTG News:
PTG has had to cancel or postpone our spring events:
· David Flood: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion through Dignity and Respect has been postponed until the fall.
· District Art Show has been canceled.
· Year End Coffee with Principals has been canceled.

PTG COLOR BLAST FUN RUN has been canceled. We know this is such a fun community event, and we look forward to hosting an amazing Color Blast Fun Run in spring of 2021. So save your rainbow gear and be prepared to get colorful with us in May 2021!

The PTG has several Board and District level positions open for 2020/21. If you are interested or would like more information on any of the roles below please email

PTG Co-President – This is a shared volunteer role responsible for overseeing the functions of the PTG. The Co-Presidents work closely with other PTG board members and district level coordinators to ensure PTG programs, events and fundraisers are carried out. Co-Presidents also host monthly PTG board meetings, assist with creation of PTG budget, and are the PTG point of contact with the Superintendent. No experience needed, training provided.

District Gift Card Coordinator - Work with the Gift Card coordinators at each school, as well as the VP of Fundraising to coordinate and execute the PTG Gift Card fundraising event. Help secure and collect gift cards from local participating businesses. The Gift Card fundraiser runs mid-October until late December.

McKelvie PTG School Co-Liaison - This role is a great way to get to know administration and staff along with being part of the PTG executive board. The liaison is the main point of contact between McKelvie and the PTG and is responsible for supporting PTG/school events. The Liaison also works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator and Hospitality making the ultimate McKelvie Volunteer Team!

Thank you, and have a terrific weekend!
Jen Asdot

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