Wednesday, August 25, 2021

8.25.21 Principal Notes

Dear McKelvie Families~

It's finally here!  I am so excited for the first day of school tomorrow, and I hope your kids are too!  Below is important information regarding the first day of school.

School Hours:
The main office is open from 7:30 to 4:00.

Daily Schedule:
8:20 AM Recess Begins
8:40 AM Recess Ends
8:50 Students must be in homeroom for attendance, announcements, etc.
9:00 Classes begin
12:00 Grade 5 Lunch and Recess
12:50 Grade 6 Lunch and Recess
3:15 Afternoon Dismissal begins

AM Arrival Procedures:
All students who are driven to school should be dropped off at the front doors of the building's main entrance at the front of the school.  Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:20 and recess goes until 8:40 when the bell rings to enter the building.  Cars may not enter the bus drop off line and students cannot be dropped off at the playground.  Students who are driven to school walk to the playground from the main entrance.  Students who take the bus will be dropped off next to the playground along the concrete barriers.  I highly encourage all students to take the bus, even on the first day of school.  Students need to be in their homeroom classes by 8:50 or they will be marked tardy.  We give some leeway to this on the first week of school.

PM Dismissal Procedures:
Afternoon announcements begin at 3:15 followed by dismissing parent pick-up students.  All grade 6 students are picked up at the main entrance on Liberty Hill Road in front of the school. Grade 6 students exit the cafeteria doors near the flagpole and parents need to pull all the way up to pick up their kids.  This keeps the line moving and helps to prevent the blocking of intersections.  All grade 5 students are picked up at the canopy entrance on County Rd.  Parents need to pull all the way up to prevent blocking intersections and to keep the lines moving.  If you have a 5th and 6th grader, pickup is at the canopy on County Rd.

Students who are parent pick-up, walkers, or bike riders need a note stating how they are getting home.  All students go home on the bus that do not have a note indicating they are going home a different way.  If your child is always a parent pick-up, send in a note indicating the specific days and we will put their names on the permanent parent pick up list.  If your child is a permanent walker/bike rider, send that note in as well.

At approximately 3:17 we begin dismissing busses.  After ALL busses are dismissed and have left the parking lot, we dismiss walkers and bike riders at approximately 3:25.  Walkers and bike riders are dismissed last as there are far fewer cars and busses on the road.  I highly encourage all students take the bus home, even on the first day of school.  I anticipate students will get home a little late the first day.

Bus Riders:
Students can only take their own busses again this year.  Per the Director of Transportation, friends can not accompany riders on a different bus.

Before School Program Registration:
Students who have registered for the Before School Program can be dropped off as early as 7:30 at the main entrance on Liberty Hill Rd.  Parents do not need to walk students in and can just drop them off!  Click HERE to get the registration form for the Before School Program.

Bus Routes:
Bus routes are online and can be found HERE. Scroll down to McKelvie Intermediate School Afternoon and McKelvie Intermediate School Morning Bus Routes for stop locations and pick-up times. I highly encourage all students to take the bus to and from school, as drop off and pick up lines are really long.

Have a wonderful night!

Jen Asdot
McKelvie Principal