Sunday, September 20, 2020

9.20.2020 Principal Notes

Dear McKelvie Families~

I hope everyone has enjoyed the cool weather this weekend!  Scroll to the bottom for a few MIS pics from this past week!

School Schedule-September 21st-September 25th:

A-K at MIS on  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
L-Z at MIS on Tuesday and Thursday

Sickness/Quarantine Protocol & Response to School Nurse:

Please adhere to this FLOWCHART for protocols for sickness/symptoms of COVID-19. 


As I mentioned in previous emails, please be prepared for children to be sent home if they are ill or display any symptoms of COVID-19.  We ask that you display kindness, respect and patience with our school nurse during these instances as she is following the protocols given to us by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.  

McKelvie Academic Desk Help:
McKelvie staff members are available to answer questions on your distance learning days. If you have an academic question please click on the link below and a staff member will get back to you shortly.  Staff members will be sending you a response through email so check your G-mail for a reply.

If you have difficulty with your Chromebook (i.e. broken key, camera not working) students should continue to use the:

Breakfast Is Available:
Just a reminder that breakfast is available and free at McKelvie!  Please see THIS flyer for further breakfast information.  If your child would like to get breakfast at McKelvie have them come directly to the cafe in the morning either from the bus or parent drop off. 

Library News:
Hello McKelvie Families! Please click HERE to see the McKelvie Library News blog post. Enjoy the crisp fall weather. ~ Warm regards, Mrs. Cote

Box Tops:
Please read the attached flyer regarding our Box Top program. This is an easy way to make a difference for McKelvie.  Our goal is to reach $1,000 before the end of the school year.  Last year we were shy of our goal due to the pandemic.  It is super easy to use the app and making a habit of scanning your receipt.  The money automatically gets posted to McKelvie once you set up your app.  It will take less than 3 minutes of your time.  HERE is the flyer.

Thank you, Amy Gaff, McKelvie Remote Shopping Coordinator

NH Foodbank:

In previous years, WMUR has partnered with the NH Food Bank and 57 New Hampshire High School football teams to collect food and monetary donations for pantries and programs around the state. The food drive/fundraiser is known as NH Tackles Hunger. This year’s NH Tackles Hunger food drive has to be quite different due to the implications of Covid. During the month of September, monetary donations are being collected via the NH Food Bank website and BHS has paired with the Bedford Community Food Pantry for this fund raiser. Please consider giving to this worthy cause.  Thank you!

MIS Pictures:

A Class Enjoying the Courtyard!

Table Team! Thank you to the parents who came to seal and stain Camp McKelvie!